The Brown Lady Raynham Hall

Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England, is home to the subject of one of the most famous ghost photograph ever captured, Brown Lady is so called because it appears in a brown brocade dress rich. He is widely believed to be Lady Dorothy Walpole, brother of Sir Robert Walpole, who married Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend in 1713. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1726, and his appearance began shortly after. Although sighting reports has faded dramatically since the photograph was taken in 1936, appearance before it has been reported by several sources is very well known. My favorite account of Major Loftus, who lived in Raynham Hall in 1849. Retire to bed one night, she and a friend named Hawkins watched a woman in a brown brocade who disappeared as a Major Loftus approached. Determined to face the apparition, the next night he returned to the same place he was and saw him again. She was horrified, but see, that when he looked at his face he saw only two black sockets where his eyes should be. Annoying to say the least!


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