Omar Ali Saifuddin, Brunei

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is a royal Islamic mosque located in Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of the Sultanate of Brunei. The mosque is classified as one of the most spectacular mosques in the Asia Pacific region and become a major attraction for tourists. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is considered amongst the people of Brunei as a landmark of the country.

Sultan Mosque, Singapore

Sultan Mosque, located at Muscat Street and North Bridge Road in Kampong Glam Rochor District Planning Area in Singapore. The mosque is considered one of the most important mosque in Singapore. The prayer hall and domes highlight the star feature of the mosque.
Masjid Sultan has stayed essentially unchanged since it was built, only with improvements made to the main hall in 1960 and annex was added in 1993. He set as a national monument on March 14, 1975.

Ghosts of the Stanley Hotel

If you live where the Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado, and turned on channel 42 of your living room TV, you will witness one of the all-time favorite films: The Shining. No matter what time of day or night, or a year in this case, it is always. It was not supernatural, of course-just nodded their role as the inspiration for Stephen King novels. Employees report hearing a commotion from the major party in the ballroom when no one was there. Children playing can be heard in the halls if there are no children at all, and many guests have reported seeing ghosts numbers in their room at night, just standing, watching. Fourth floor seems to host the most number of activities, and there is one ghost in particular, is said to Lord Dunraven, owner of the land before the property was built on, which can be seen standing on the bed or look out the bedroom window 407. He is widely blamed for jewelry or valuables are lost in the hotel for years.

Clifton Hall

If you have a spare £ 2.75 million laying around, you can be proud owner of Clifton Hall in Nottinghamshire, England. The property was recorded as far back as the 11th century, and was in the hands Clifton family from the 13th century until the sale in 1958. From there it becomes the school, then other schools, then the other schools, it is planned luxury apartments set, before finally settling as a private residence which most recently belonged to a mister Anwar Rashid, his wife and four children. It boasts 17 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 10 reception rooms, a private sports and cinema. Oh, and a few ghosts, of course. Rashid disturbing phenomenon of families experiencing their first night at home, in the form of a knock and a man's voice called out "Hello, is anyone there?" In one incident, Anwar's wife, Nabila, down to prepare the milk for their 18-month-old son at five o'clock in the morning and watched her oldest daughter sat in front of the television. When calling to him not to give answers, Nabila had a funny feeling and went back upstairs to her daughter's room, where the oldest was found still asleep in his bed. The Rashids run away from home after eight months of installing the existence of ghosts. Although their account is the most recent and easiest to find during the study, there were rumors and sightings on the property as long as anyone can remember, including a baby crying and a woman who could be seen through the window of pacing in a room that has brick and can not accessed.

The Brown Lady Raynham Hall

Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England, is home to the subject of one of the most famous ghost photograph ever captured, Brown Lady is so called because it appears in a brown brocade dress rich. He is widely believed to be Lady Dorothy Walpole, brother of Sir Robert Walpole, who married Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend in 1713. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1726, and his appearance began shortly after. Although sighting reports has faded dramatically since the photograph was taken in 1936, appearance before it has been reported by several sources is very well known. My favorite account of Major Loftus, who lived in Raynham Hall in 1849. Retire to bed one night, she and a friend named Hawkins watched a woman in a brown brocade who disappeared as a Major Loftus approached. Determined to face the apparition, the next night he returned to the same place he was and saw him again. She was horrified, but see, that when he looked at his face he saw only two black sockets where his eyes should be. Annoying to say the least!

Hotel del Coronado

The Hotel del Coronado is a magnificent Victorian seaside resort hotel in southern California is the city of Coronado, south of San Diego. Open only four years when a beautiful young woman named Kate Morgan checked in on November 24, 1892. He seemed very sick for a while he spent time at the hotel, and was later speculated he had been taking large doses of quinine in an effort to encourage abortion of unwanted children. That she was confused a little argument, so when he found out the steps to the beach on 29 November with a bullet hole in his temple and a gun nearby, quickly leading to death, a suicide. Since then, a strange phenomenon has been reported in the hotel: the strange noises, lights flickering on and off, and sometimes even the ghost of a woman in Victorian clothes hanging in the hallways.


Geyser is a flow of warm water is sprayed into the soil surface. Geyser always looked interesting and mysterious. One of the places in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, famous for its geysernya which reach 20 meters in diameter and when it rains, you can find a gruesome scene: a gush of water flow so as to achieve remarkable 70 meters height. If you visit China, and waited around in the river Yangbo Geyser, Tibet. Geyser that there can be sprayed with a startling sound every few minutes. Diamter bursts of hot water reaches a height of 2 meters and can reach 20 meters semburannya.


Stonehenge is a mysterious stone structure in rural England. No one knows what the purpose built, whether the court, or place of worship, or temple, or perhaps a sign of a UFO? Try to visit, who knows you can solve the mystery!


Antarctica is a very unfriendly place to live. So many changes and phenomena that until now the big secret for most of us. Antarctica also has many mysteries, from 14 million kilometers of the continent covered with snow and ice with a thickness of between 2000 to 4800 meters, there is also a total dry island, and is called "dry valley without snow." Be a living witness to this phenomenon!

Easter Island

This island lies between Tahiti and Chile, and gained international popularity because of remarkable colossal statue shaped the human face. Each statue is 14 feet tall (about 4 meters), weighing about 14 and made of volcanic stone, and represents the work of Rapa Nui society. Until now not known how the statue was made by primitive technology owned by the community. There are various theories about the origin of the statue and its meaning, including one of them is fantastic theory which says that the statue was made by a UFO. But, until now the truth of all the existing theory has not been revealed. Will you be one who can disclose it?

Blood Pond Hot Spring (Japan)

Blood Pond Hot Spring is one of nine "hell" (Jigoku) Beppu, Japan, the source of the red hot water with an extremely hot temperatures. High content of iron.

Dry Valleys (Antartica)

Has a surface soil with a gravel-strewn desert, this place could be said places on Earth most like Mars. A very memposona landscapes. This place is still in Victoria Land, west of McMurdo Sound.
Almost no snow here. but only a few steep batu2 only slightly covered with ice. This terrain looks nothing like a natural on this earth is there in general.
In this place also has a uniqueness that is the frozen lake during ice bertahun2 length of several meters in thickness. under which it has water ice that has a very high salt content which is inhabited by living things / organisms rare and mysterious.

Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves (Austria)

Ice cave is very unusual, different from others who are there in the world slipped manapun.Ada strange feeling when coming back here. As if we were on another planet. There are many ice caves in the world, but Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves in Austria, the largest and most popular. Being in Tennengebirge Mountains, near Salzburg.

Climb the World’s steepest street

A quiet street in a suburb of Baldwin Street, in southern New Zealand city of Dunedin, is considered the steepest street in the world.
At least the maximum angle, the slope is approximately 1:2.86 (20 ° or 38%) - so that, for every distance of 2.86 meters horizontally, reaching a height of 1 meter.

Climb the Rabbit’s Hill

Colletto Fava mountain altitude is 1500 m in the southern Piedmont region in Italy. Year 2005, was built beside the giant pink bunny hill. Group members who founded the Viennese artist is not just hope people will pay attention to their work, but also for climbers interested in climbing and resting on top. Why should a rabbit?

A Christian Chapel decorated by the bones of 40,000 people

he Sedlec Ossuary small Christian chapel, located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints in the Czech Republic. The ossuary containing about 40,000 human skeletons artistically arranged to form the decoration and equipment for the chapel.

A museum devoted to the Penis

The Icelandic Phallological Museum in Husavík, Iceland, is a museum dedicated to the phallology. Currently the museum has 154 specimens on display like hunting trophies, embalmed with formaldehia, or dried in display cases. The museum is trying to collect penis specimens from every mammal in Iceland, including several species that are endangered or already extinct in the waters of Iceland.

Thank you for Fucking, Austria

Fucking is a small town in Austria (population 150). This small town known as "Fucking" more or less since 1070.
The most popular in this city is the lane with the name of this town, sometimes a lot of English speaking tourists who stopped just to take photos. In fact, this one lane into the lane most often stolen in Austria. Urban dwellers have a special budget to replace the stolen road marking.

The Iguazu Waterfalls, Argentina-Brazil Border

Heralded as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the Iguazu Waterfalls are a true wonder of nature. They are located at the border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. While the Argentinean side allows visitors to walk right around the water or explore the National Park, the Brazilian side is known for its panoramic views and splendor.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is believed to have exclaimed upon seeing these falls, “poor Niagara.” The area surrounding the falls provides ample opportunities for rock climbing as well as water sports. Iguazu has the distinction of having a greater annual flow than any other waterfall in the world.

With all of these, and many more beautiful places that exist in our world, we surrounded by choices. The only way to decide on the places to visit is to follow your heart. While some may love the tranquility of water, others may bury themselves deep in architectural miracles, ancient sites, or the serenity of a small town.

Great Wall of China, China

One of the seven wonders of the world, the Great Wall of China is a man-made structure that was constructed over two thousand years ago and took about 100 years to complete. The vastness of this project brings to light the immense capabilities of man.

The constructions started in the 5th Century B.C. It is actually not a single wall, but rather many walls put together, and it stretches over 4,000 miles. It was constructed to protect the Chinese Empire from the Xiongnu people in the north. The wall was initially built of stone, grass, earth, and wood, but bricks were used once the production started. It is believed that about 2-3 million Chinese died during the construction project.

Petra, Jordan

Described by the UNESCO as “one of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage”, Petra is an archeological site on the slope of Mount Hor. It is one of the new wonders of the world and is famous for its rock-cut architecture.

This site was kept hidden until 1812 when it was discovered by a Swiss explorer. It was said to have been prepared by God for the Jewish people. Petra once flourished under the Roman empire but a rapid decline began with the Arabian trade being taken elsewhere. Then an earthquake caused a great deal of destruction. Tourists frequent the place to get a glimpse of the ruins of this beautiful city.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu in Peru, which means ‘Old Peak,” is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the world. According to legend, Machu Picchu was long ago considered to be a sacred place. The credit for the creation of the extraordinary city goes to the Inca people who have erected many stone structures and turned the place into a work of art.
Two thousand feet above the Urubamba river, these ruins consist of baths, temples, palaces, and about 150 houses, all very well preserved. These gray granite structures, some of which weigh more than 50 tons, are so perfectly sculpted that they are nothing less than works of architectural genius. They were rediscovered by a Yale archaeologist in 1911. The ethereal beauty, workmanship, and history of the place attracts millions of tourists each year.


Uluru or Ayers Rock in Australia is one of the world’s great natural wonders. Planning to visit this place is a great way to explore and experience the cultural and physical significance of this Australian icon.

The rock is at its visual best at sunrise and sunset. Most of the travelers like to climb the rock by using an ancient aboriginal trail.

Taj Mahal

According to most of the travelers, Taj Mahal, most beautiful building, in India is one of the great wonders of the world. This is a hybrid of many artistic styles. Once you visit Taj Mahal, you can enjoy various places near it.

The river side behind Taj Mahal provides a wonderful environment. You can enjoy greatly along with your family.


Sydney is the economic powerhouse of Australia. The place is full of sun-drenched natural attractions, delicious and daring restaurants, dizzy skyscrapers, friendly folk and wonderful shopping, so most of the travel addicts want to visit the place. You can take a trip to Sydney at any time of the year.

Golden Temple

This temple has a glorious setting and it exists in the middle of the large blue sacred pool. Don’t miss the peaceful and interesting ritual that goes inside the two-story golden temple. When you take a tour to India, you should visit the golden temple.


Venice is one of the Italy’s greatest tourist places. You will be surprised by hearing how the city is built up. The city is built on 317 small islands and has 150 canals which are connected through 409 bridges. During the spring time, Venice is completely filled with tourists. At that time it is very difficult to find the accommodations.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls can be accessed from both the American and Canadian side, but the best view facing the falls is completely from the Canadian side. When you take a trip to Niagara Falls, don’t forget to take a ride on the famous maid-of-the-mist boats. You won’t get the entire experience of Niagara Falls until you ride one of these boats.

It is the foundation for many interesting places to see and things to do. If you love beautiful landscapes, romantic getaways, family adventures and vibrant nightlife then Niagara Falls is the best place to visit.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is a Mayan word. Chichen Itza is one of the largest archeological cities of Mexico and one of the Seven wonders. It is the most visited tourist destination. Travelers like to visit Chichen Itza as a day trip. If you want to enjoy all the activities near by Chichen Itza, it takes 2-3 days stay.

Before entering into the Chichen Itza, you will come across an informative museum, clean rest rooms, a dining room, few vender stands and gift shops. You can visit the site at any time of the year.

Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies is one of the most spectacular places of the earth. This place has potential outdoor opportunities and world class resorts. Visit the two national parks of Canadian Rockies and find why most of the travelers choose Canadian Rockies as their home away home [Canada Travel].

This place offers you the best of the best. It offers you the hikes that you don’t want to miss, scenic drives and many more natural highlights. You can go for the vacation even along with your children.

Winter is a great time to enjoy the place. During this time, you can try sports like skiing, snowshoeing and then relaxing around a roaring fire on every evening.

Cape Town

Cape Town is situated at the tip of the African Continent. The only way to understand and enjoy Cape Town is by experiencing the unique range of multicultural lifestyles and scenic national surroundings for yourself.

During the summer season, Cape Town is filled with holiday makers enjoying the hot weather, sunny beaches and beautiful scenery. So, if you want to spend your time during holiday season, it is best to make reservations as soon as possible. Before reaching the place, have a rough idea about the places around Cape Town, which you want to visit.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon is the steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in Arizona State of United States. The powerful sources that cause an impact on the Grand Canyon is erosion, first is by water and second is by wind.

Nearly 5 million people visit the 1 mile deep Grand Canyon every year. Planning a vacation to the Grand Canyon national park provides a great relief for you and your family.

The best time to visit Grand Canyon is during the summer, fall and mild spring, but most locals agree that winter is the great time to visit. There are various camp grounds both on the top and floor of the Grand Canyon. Camping at the floor of the Grand Canyon needs a permit from the country office.
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